NEXt Level INTer

Bad at games.

Hosted by Vercel. I am not affiliated with any other Nexint websites. Those websites may or may not be legitimete, but I do not own them and do not claim any ties with them.

Random forum I built ⚰⚰⚰

(Please don't use this. While I may have created it, I may make a much better forum later on.)

/ Updated Portfolio
/ Updated SpaceLink
/ Bugfixes, Bugfixes, Bugfixes.

/ Modified where the gospel goes to.
/ Changed the TOS to include open source music and art.
/ Making art!
/ Bugfixes, Bugfixes, Bugfixes.

+ Christian Gospel added!
+ Copy on click added!
/ Bugfixes, Bugfixes, Bugfixes.
/ Let me know if there are any biblical inaccuracies or things that have to be added!

+ Canary Added! Linked at the bottom of this description.
+ Custom 404 page added.
/ Bugfixes, Bugfixes, Bugfixes.
/ Apologies for the lack of "updates" here. Spammed all at once.
- Small downtime due to history deletion on our Github and Vercel.

Canary Website (If this leads to a 404, be warned.)

/ Minor visual tweaks. Nothing special.

+ New footers! Inspired by Kane Ewins.
/ Lots of bug fixing. CSS is tricky.

+ Added legal info! Placeholder stuff for now, as I am not writing a full legal document yet.
+ Added our first blog post! Check out our blogpost on our navbar.
/ Changed the format of new update logs. + now means a new addition, / means a comment, and - means removed stuff.
/ Changed the code and appearance of the navbar.
/ Changed the appearance of the dropdowns.
- Hacky solution to fix the website is removed, replaced with a better filler div.

07/16/2024: About me added, blur added, behind the scenes CSS code changed, and more! Navbar should be better on mobile.
Moving things over to new Navbar and seperate pages.
Changed update log slightly, updated past updates slightly.

07/16/2024: Portfolio added, scrollbars changed, and more! I're currently using multiple subpages now.

07/15/2024: Changed more CSS code, curved corners around the boxes, and removed a few visual scrollbars. Scrolling is still enabled.

07/14/2024: Changed some CSS code, shifted things around, and added a ton of stuff. Links no longer dead!

07/14/2024: Made the website. Used some CSS code in order to make some simple transitions. Links are currently dead right now.

Github Pages for hosting the site

Vercel for hosting mirrors

@Supadoggo for the background used in this website!

@uiGalaxy and @jacob9086 for a tiny bit of code (stolen)

StackOverflow for the coding answers I was looking for.

W3Schools for the navbar, bits of code, etc.

Kane Ewins for helping design a few of the elements.

You, for viewing this site and supporting us.

These are some YouTubers which I honestly believe are underrated. Drop a sub and watch some of their videos!
Sorted by subscribers. Manually sorted.

TitanPlayz100 ( YouTuber) uiGalaxy ( YouTuber)

Remember: Jesus Loves You.